Q: When can I register?
A: Registration for the 2025-26 school year is open.
Q: What is the tuition?
A: For the 2025-26 school year, Wayzata Elementary tuition is $2735, Middle School tuition is $2015. Edina Elementary tuition is $3140.
Q: What is the cost of the after-class program “El Club”?
A: In 2025-26 the fee for El Club is:
- WMCC (Greenwood and Oakwood):
- Monday-Thursday until 5:30 – $1950
- Friday – $600.
- Tier 1 (Kimberly Lane, Meadow Ridge, North Woods, Plymouth Creek):
- Monday-Thursday 5pm – $1500
- Monday-Thursday 6pm – $2500
- Friday – $600.
- Tier 2 (Birchview, Gleason Lake, Sunset Hill):
- Monday-Thursday 6pm – $1500
- Friday – $460.
- Edina (Creek Valley, Countryside, Highlands):
- Monday-Thursday 6pm – $2400
Q: What is the withdrawal policy?
A: Withdrawals received 90 days prior to the first day of school will receive a refund of all amounts paid less a $100 cancellation fee. Withdrawals received within 90 days of the first day of school or after school starts will not receive a refund unless the family is moving out of the District or for health reasons that advise against continuing in the program. In these cases, tuition will be prorated less than a $100 cancellation fee.
Q: What is the Summer withdrawal policy?
A: No refunds will be given within 30 days of the start of camp. A $40 fee will be charged for all cancellations.
Q: How can parents provide feedback?
A: Feedback is welcomed at any time. The best way to provide it is by sending an email to office@quetalmn.org.
Q: I have a flexible spending account. Can I name Qué Tal as the Dependent Care Organization?
A: Que Tal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and not a daycare center. We offer before- and after-school Spanish classes, as well as an after-class program in the afternoon to support parents needing a later pick up time. As our classes are educational, it is our understanding that the tuition is not considered a dependent care expense while the after class program fee may be considered a dependent care expense. We recommend checking with your accountant and/or benefits administrator to make a final determination.
Q: How will I know if there is Qué Tal on mornings or afternoons when there is bad weather?
A: During severe weather, Qué Tal will close whenever the Wayzata or Edina School Districts issue a school closure. Morning classes will be cancelled on any late start days and afternoon classes will be cancelled on early closure days.
Q: Who should I notify if my child is sick or has an appointment or will not be in class?
A: Please email the Office Manager (office@quetalmn.org) and copy your child’s teacher on the day of the absence before 1:00 pm. You will receive a short response email from the Office Manager which will let you know your email has been received. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please call the office at 763-208-3231.
A $15 Absence Confirmation Fee will be charged if we need to contact you to locate your child.
Q: What does Qué Tal mean?
A: Qué Tal translates to “What’s up?” and is a common greeting that means “How are you?”
Q: What grade do students start at Qué Tal?
A: Enrollment begins in Kindergarten and then students progress with the program. Please contact the office to be placed on our pre-registration list.
Q: What about older students, can they enroll?
A: If you have a 1st grader (or older), you must contact the Qué Tal office to discuss enrollment. We do accept older students, provided there is space in the class and the student passes an assessment showing that their Spanish level is on par with their peers.
Q: How many students are in a class?
A: We try to keep the classes at 16 students maximum.
Q: I have other questions about your program. Where can I find more information?
A: Please take a look at our Qué Tal Parent Handbook, under the Parents tab. If you have other questions not answered in the Parent Handbook, please email us at office@quetalmn.org, or you call us at (763) 208-3231.