Dear Qué Tal parents,
Thanks a lot for providing feedback about our first couple of weeks during this school year!
It was great to hear that what we are doing, and the quick adjustments some of us did, is working reasonably well for the vast majority of our students. Rest assured we will continue adjusting as needed to try to provide the best potential experience.
We have decided to continue operating in a distance learning mode for the month of November.
We are constantly reviewing the state guidelines, any update on them and on the state conditions.
Our plan to return to in person classes is as follows:
Once our Edina District decides to move to 100% in person for elementary students, we will survey your interest to go back to in person Spanish classes; at that time we’ll reconfirm transportation availability and the feasibility to operate in our leased facilities meeting the prevalent health guidelines. We will define a return date with at least 3 weeks advanced notice.
Please let me know if you have any questions. (and if you have any further feedback too).